Pipes are procured corelating material with Mill's Material Test Certificate. Flanges and castings are procured from approved suppliers against certificates endorsed by manufacturer's/foundry's independent Quality Controller.
Liner and Polymer are procured against manufacturer's Certificate of conformity or Certificate of Analysis.
For all supplies, originating from our works will provide our Internal Test Certificate certifing the material speciifcations and tests carried out on lined pipe work. Further certificates relating to Housing and Lining material will not form a part of documentation unless specifically requested and agreed by us.
The purpose of this specification is to provide specifiers and end users with a complete specification which will lead to a successful purchase and utilization of a value-added engineered plastic lined piping system. Please feel free to contact us at the factory for further assistance and information. This specification does not constitute and express warranty of any kind. Horizon Polymer specifically disclaims the implied warranty or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.